Download the FYE 2025 Walmart Fiscal Calendar

Printable Walmart Fiscal Calendar

Walmart operates by a very specific fiscal calendar. It's important that suppliers understand the format and how to match up Walmart fiscal dates with physical calendar dates. To help, we have developed a printable Walmart Fiscal Calendar for FYE 2025 that makes matching up a Walmart Week to a specific date range very simple.

Download A Printable Walmart FYE 2025 Fiscal Calendar

Walmart's Fiscal Calendar — Demystified

Let's start with a few definitions. Walmart defines their fiscal year by way of week numbers. You'll never hear your Buyer or Replenishment Manager refer to a "new mod setting on July 9th" or a "rollback ending on December 12th". It will always be referred to as "Walmart Week 23" or "Walmart Week 46". So, how does Walmart define a week, month, quarter and year?

The Walmart Week

A Walmart week begins on Saturday and runs through Friday, midnight CST.

The Walmart Year

The Walmart Month

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