Welcome to Supplier Hour

We have received such great feedback from suppliers after attending our webinar series, "Becoming A Better Partner with Walmart Luminate". Based on this feedback, we have carved out some time in our schedules to offer limited time blocks to answer your individual questions.

You can book your free, confidential, 15-minute consultation by completing the form on the right.

Here are some examples of what we hear from suppliers in these free sessions:

  • Sharing pain points and challenges about their transition from DSS to Luminate
  • How to build specific reports in DSS or Luminate
  • How to use report filters to obtain the expected result set
  • Think about how we can help you with your specific questions

Schedule A Free Consultation

Schedule your free consultation today. Choose one of our available time slots below.
Frequently Asked Questions

Luminate Basic is free for all Walmart suppliers. The price for Luminate Charter is based on a supplier's retail sales to Walmart consumers.

At this time, there is no announced date for rollout to international markets.

Sharing of reports within Walmart Luminate is only available in the Charter version.

The Sales Forecast will display results for 39 weeks in both Luminate Basic and Charter versions.

Yes! Both versions of Luminate allow visibility to the the Supply Plan, though the name of the report has been changed to Order Forecast.

PO information is only available in Luminate Charter. Basic subscribers will need to use the NOVA application in Retail Link to access PO information.

Both Basic and Charter versions of Luminate include store level data.

Yes! All of your saved reports in Luminate Basic will be transferred to your Charter account.
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