Walmart's SupplierOne aims to consolidate certain Retail Link applications like Item 360 and NOVA.
Walmart is currently engaged in a trial period for their latest supplier initiative — Walmart SupplierOne. According to documentation, SupplierOne is designed to consolidate certain Retail Link applications, such as Item 360 and NOVA, into a distinct portal.
The End of Retail Link?
In short, probably not. Retail Link is much more than item setup and PO management. Even with the sunsetting of the legacy Decision Support reporting application — to be replace by Luminate in March 2024 — there are still numerous applications within Retail Link that suppliers depend on to manage their Walmart business.
However, coming close on the heels to the end of Decision Support, it does beg the question: What is the goal of yet another portal? It might simply come down to technology. Retail Link is a very old application. Decades old. Suppliers who have been doing business with Walmart for many years can attest to the fact that Decision Support has not changed in literally decades. Sometimes, it is better to start from scratch with a new portal than to try to introduce new technologies into an old platform.
Key Features of SupplierOne
What's Next?
In short, who knows what the end game of this new portal is. Will SupplierOne ultimately replace Retail Link entirely? According to Walmart, this isn't the plan "as of now". The new portal would need to expand its features immensely in order to wholly replace Retail Link.
What IS known is this — constant change is here to stay!
As a 17-year veteran in the Walmart supplier community, much of that in various replenishment roles, I found that the events of 2020 offered a case study for planning and communication.
Walmart has officially launched Supplier One for all Owner and Drop Ship Vendors (DSV) suppliers in the U.S market.